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309) PINZA 
Finsbury Park Location
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Saturday, 29 October 2022 15:50 Write a comment

I have recently bought two books by the Norfolk author Sheila Hutchinson ---- Reedham and Berney Arms railway ---- Berney Arms past and present. They are little gems of local history and memories preserved in print for future generations.
308) PINZA 
Finsbury Park Location
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Wednesday, 10 August 2022 10:50 Write a comment

Thank you Andy for the information regarding Berney Arms totem and the books. Will contact the author.
307) PINZA 
Finsbury Park Location
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Sunday, 7 August 2022 11:22 Write a comment

Books by local Norfolk author Sheila Hutchinson ---- Reedham and Berney Arms railway ---- I S B N 9780957462359 ---- Berney Arms past and present ---- I S B N 9780957462342. ---- Are these books still available for purchase?

Andy Tuesday, 9 August 2022 20:23
I think they'll be hard to find now but Sheila may have some herself still.
306) PINZA 
Finsbury Park Location
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Friday, 5 August 2022 13:25 Write a comment

Do any Edmondson type tickets exist in local or transport museums or in private collections which were issued at Berney Arms station cottages? One room was used as a ticket office, post office and waiting room. What an ideal location Berney Arms Station Cottages would have been for a Bed and Breakfast for weekend walkers with Berney Arms platform only a short distance away. But sadly the station cottages were demolished in 1969. Gone forever. All thats left now are just ghosts.
305) PINZA 
Finsbury Park Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; LG-H440n Build/MRA58K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.158 Mobile Safari/537.36
Thursday, 4 August 2022 11:16 Write a comment

Berney Arms mill which stands at 75ft and is the tallest in the fair county of Norfolk is due to reopen to the public in the near future and have it's sails refitted. for more information visit the English Heritage website.----------------The cottages to the west of Berney Arms mill have been re-thatched.

Andy Tuesday, 9 August 2022 20:25
Thanks for that. It's about time it re-opened, it's been a long time closed.
304) PINZA 
Finsbury Park Location
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Tuesday, 2 August 2022 16:27 Write a comment

What year was it when the platform at Berney Arms was raised from it's original height to it's present day height ?
303) PINZA 
Finsbury Park Location
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Friday, 29 July 2022 11:23 Write a comment

What happend to the L N E R BERNEY ARMS totem with lamp and ladder? Was it preserved at a museum or was it scrapped?

Andy Tuesday, 9 August 2022 20:21
I'm pretty sure the lamp and ladder were stolen and the sign just scrapped before being later replaced.
302) PINZA 
Finsbury Park Location
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Thursday, 28 July 2022 14:04 Write a comment

New timbers have replaced the old on the platform edge at Berney Arms.
301) James M 
Norwich Location
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Wednesday, 6 July 2022 19:37 Write a comment

wink Berney Arms is funny
300) Chris 
Exeter Location
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Tuesday, 13 April 2021 18:44 Write a comment

Have come across two articles in the railway press regarding Berney Arms, - Modern Railways - September 1983 - The Berney Arms Postman - 'Norfolkman' describes how the post office makes use of the railway to reach one of the remotest parts of East Anglia, photographer Mike Collins accompanied the postman on his round. - - - - - - - - - - - The Railway Magazine - April 1984 - Unlikely Survival - John Glover visits Berney Arms station in remotest East Anglia.
299) Chris 
Exeter Location
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Tuesday, 13 April 2021 17:28 Write a comment

Some historical information which may be of Interest! - Original land owner - Thomas Trench Berney - (1784 - 1869) - Born at Bracon Hall - Bracon Ash - South Norfolk - 17 July 1784 - Died at Morton Hall - Morton-on-the-hill - Attlebridge - North Norfolk - 15 September 1869 - Burial at St Nicholas churchyard - Bracon Ash - South Norfolk.

Andy Tuesday, 13 April 2021 21:00
Many thanks for that Chris.
298) Chris Hayward 
Exeter Devonshire Location
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Sunday, 28 March 2021 00:07 Write a comment

Hope to visit Berney Arms sometime this year.
297) Alan 
Wiltshire Location
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Monday, 7 December 2020 22:55 Write a comment

(297) Rail guru Geoff Marshall visits Berney Arms Station on 7 Dec 20 to film for his vlog Berney Arms - [Least Used Station in Britain]

On arrival he discovers an ITV film crew also filming as the station was the least used station in the UK for 2019-20.

An informative website. smile
296) Andrew Thompson 
Yorkshire Location
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Tuesday, 1 December 2020 15:19 Write a comment

Just googled you after The Guardian story today on the BA station. Love the site and the photographs. I have fond memories of Norfolk. Must visit the station some day.
295) Peter Smith 
Reedham Location
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Saturday, 25 July 2020 18:01 Write a comment

There has been a lot of chatter in the press & on various forums & FB pages re the application for a new Licence for one of the Berney Arms outbuildings which was refused.

Some are suggesting that this was due to comments from BA & more particularly (and in my view unfairly) RSPB.

Here is the link to the Youtube record of the [actual Committee hearing]
294) Sheila Hutchinson 
Norfolk Location
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Monday, 24 February 2020 22:24 Write a comment

We eventually made it to Berney Arms on the 11:36 train from Norwich, after the 7:37 train had been diverted via Acle. The marshes at Berney was so flooded it would have been almost impossible to walk anywhere without great problems.
293) Alan 
Norwich Location
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Monday, 24 February 2020 10:25 Write a comment

To Berney, or not to Berney - that was the question.
The e-mail from Network Rail said the 0736 would go to Berney; the website sold me a ticket 2 days before the 24th; the staff told me at the station on the morning I could get to Berney; the matrix sign was ambivalent - it listed BA as a stop but underneath said we would go via Acle! But then matrix signs can't read maps.
So I asked the driver which way he was intending to go and as he said he would turn left at Reedham I thought I was OK.
It was only when we stopped at Brundall, the last possible moment for a decision, that the announcement came to say it was Acle for us, not Berney at all.
So I, Sheila and Paul Hutchinson with a Radio Norfolk sound crew had a ride to Yarmouth. In the rain! Now who wants to go to Yarmouth in the rain?
The GA staff were great but back home by 0930 I can only dream about fulfilling a 16-month old idea.
Perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub; for in that sleep what dreams may come that we have taken ourselves to Berney Arms against a sea of troubles, well marshes and Network Rail anyway. confused
292) Alan Helsdon 
Norwich Location
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Tuesday, 17 December 2019 16:43 Write a comment

I was told today by Greater Anglia that the first train to stop at BA will be the 0736 from Norwich on Mon Feb 24, 2020. I intend to be on it and be the first to alight there for ages. As the first return train is 1524 I shall walk to Acle (5.5 miles) for the bus to Norwich. Anybody care to join me? smile
291) Jasmine 
Suffolk Location
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Sunday, 30 June 2019 19:18 Write a comment

Visited the area today, was a wonderful walk which brought up a mass of questions about the area. Found the mill to be shut to public, the freehouse closed and a bar open on the side. The owner was more than happy to point us in the right direction. The train line is now closed until further notice too. Was great to come on here and read more about the area.
290) Sheila Hutchinson 
Norfolk Location
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Tuesday, 13 March 2018 09:18 Write a comment

New book REEDHAM & BERNEY ARMS RAILWAY available after 7th April 2018.
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