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2080) Alan 
Norwich Location
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Monday, 24 February 2020 10:25

To Berney, or not to Berney - that was the question.
The e-mail from Network Rail said the 0736 would go to Berney; the website sold me a ticket 2 days before the 24th; the staff told me at the station on the morning I could get to Berney; the matrix sign was ambivalent - it listed BA as a stop but underneath said we would go via Acle! But then matrix signs can't read maps.
So I asked the driver which way he was intending to go and as he said he would turn left at Reedham I thought I was OK.
It was only when we stopped at Brundall, the last possible moment for a decision, that the announcement came to say it was Acle for us, not Berney at all.
So I, Sheila and Paul Hutchinson with a Radio Norfolk sound crew had a ride to Yarmouth. In the rain! Now who wants to go to Yarmouth in the rain?
The GA staff were great but back home by 0930 I can only dream about fulfilling a 16-month old idea.
Perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub; for in that sleep what dreams may come that we have taken ourselves to Berney Arms against a sea of troubles, well marshes and Network Rail anyway. confused

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