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563) Rosemarie 
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Saturday, 29 May 2010 17:36

Does anyone remember the Daveys at 25 Uley Road, Dursley please? She was usually called Lizzie, although her name was Annie, and her husband, although James I think, was usually called Cyril? They lived there with Lizzie's sister in law Lena and her husband Edward Rutland and Lizzie's own unmarried sister Daisy Grundon. Lizzie and Daisy were my husband's great aunts, and he and his parents used to spend idyllic holidays there away from the grime of London in the late 1940s/early 1950s. Does anyone remember them or have a photo of the house? It was we think quite old, perhaps a farmhouse, as my husband remembers a butchering slab in the kitchen. We have photos of the garden which included a large pond, but nothing of the house. Any help would be great.

Averil Riddick Friday, 25 June 2010 15:16
Hi Rosemarie
I live opposite what was Mrs Davey's house,which is now a Housing Estate called Yellow Hundred. I worked for the Estate Agent selling the houses in the 1970's. I remember Mrs Davey, we sold her a house at Summerhayes, I believe. Averil Riddick

Rosemarie Grundon Wednesday, 8 September 2010 19:18
Thank you for your response. I didn't know she had moved from there. Where is Summerhays please?

Andy (dursleyglos admin) Wednesday, 8 September 2010 20:26
Summerhayes is a road in Cam.

Paul Wednesday, 17 November 2010 05:10
I believe you are talking about my grandparents home. I will show my mother your letter tomorrow and have her explain all these people to me. Now I know where my mother's middle name come from, possibly. Also I'm sure we would have some pictures of the house. I know we have a painting of it in my mothers home. Have a great day. We'll talk again.

Mary Franke Thursday, 18 November 2010 22:44
Fantastic Rosemarie, my name is Mary Franke you are talking about my Grandparents. My mother is Ione Davey and her brother Norman has three children living in England. I have lots of photos to share with you. I can't wait for your reply. Paul is my brother, one of ten children. Mom moved to the states after she was married.

Mary Franke Thursday, 18 November 2010 22:46
Rosemarie, this is Mary Franke
my e mail is

Veronica Duffy Orr Saturday, 27 November 2010 20:49
HI Rosemaire, I'm Ione Davey Duffy's child #6 of 10.
We always called grandma Elizabeth, she did not like using her first name which was Anne. I was named Veronica Elizabeth after Grandma.
Rosemarie have a great day.
My e mail address is

John Cyril Davey Thursday, 13 January 2011 22:51
Hi Rosemarie.
I know the house very well. Spent most weekends there with the family mowing the lawns for my Grandmother Annie Elizabeth. My father was Cyril Norman. His sister was Ione and you have three of our American cousins on the site above. Hi Guys. I knew both Daisy (I think somewhere I may have a pastel caricature of Daisy done on a visit to the seaside) and Lena. Not sure if there were two other sisters Zoe and Gladys, they could have been other family. The house was a very old farmhouse with gas lighting in the kitchen and a stone sink with no hot water. It had five bedrooms, two on the first floor and three on the second floor and you had to walk through one of the bedrooms on the left hand side to get to the other.
The bathroom was downstairs, just past the breakfast room on the righthand side and you had to walk down some steps into the bathroom. There was an outside loo and a loo on the first floor landing. From the breakfast room was a stairway to what was known as the maid's room but we were not allowed up there because the floor was considered unsafe. Opposite the breakfast room was a doorway to a serving hatch for the front dining room which was used as a bedroom for I believe Auntie Daisy. In the passage was a set of servants' bells which I still have and we always use to ring them when we walked down. If you are still interested I will tell you some more about the house. Kind regards

Rosemarie Grundon Friday, 20 June 2014 16:14
Mary, I apologise for not getting in touch before but I will email you soon so expect one either from a Tony Grundon or from my alias as William Williams. I should love to speak to/email all those who have so kindly responded, the family just grows and grows!

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