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29) Henry Hewitt 
Newmarket Suffolk, ne Berney Arms Location
IP logged Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; AOL 9.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
Monday, 25 October 2004 20:03 Write a comment

Been a while since I looked on here, congratulations it is getting much better. Good interesting site and brings back lots of memories. Well done.
Micky H
28) Noel Berney 
Wellington - NZ Location
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Sunday, 24 October 2004 10:34 Write a comment

I'm quite excited about discovering this place. Have heard about it when I was a child hanging about the adults - look forward to visiting one day!
27) a n enthusiast 
suffolk Location
IP logged Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; H010818)
Friday, 22 October 2004 16:15 Write a comment

Although the direct line from Lowestoft to Great Yarmouth was taken up it is still possible to travel between the two towns regularly by changing just once either at Brundall then via Acle or at Reedham then via Berney Arms one just crosses to the other platform at either station to catch the second train but you need to check connections carefully to avoid hanging around unnecessarily and the trains are much less frequent on Sundays. Carry a pack of cheese biscuits and a plastic litre bottle of bitter lemon with a screw top to keep your strength up whilst waiting for the connection.
26) David and Grace Rogers 
Halesworth Location
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Sunday, 17 October 2004 22:24 Write a comment

We have just returned this weekend from a visit to The Berney Arms in our boat - Eastern Dawn.
The sails on the Berney Mill are still missing and there is no evidence of any building work about to commence on the Mill in order to put the sails back on. The mill has been painted up on the outside and new windows put in and the new cap is in place waiting for the sails to be put back on. The mill is no longer open to the public as it was a year ago and now is locked up and stands apparently deserted which is a great shame for such a historical place. We look forward to the day when the sails are finally hoisted and secured into place after a wait of several years.
The Berney Arms pub continues to be a popular place and the meals, beer and hospitality are excellant.
The moorings from The Berney Mill down to the pub have been renewed in recent years and offer good and safe moorings for visiting craft. The moorings are ideally placed for boats waiting for bridge lifts at Great Yarmouth in order to go out to sea and for those craft coming in from the sea and going onto the southern broads.
25) Lee Lewis 
lowestoft Location
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Saturday, 16 October 2004 22:07 Write a comment

I am still waiting on the pictures on Lowestoft, Lowestoft North, Corton, Hopton pics, hope to see them soon. Great website. Lee
24) Roy 
north walsham Location
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Saturday, 16 October 2004 21:25 Write a comment

Can you tell me when the ARMS closes for winter. Like to stay on our boat and see the sun come up.
Walk to Yarmouth and train back smile

Andy Sunday, 17 October 2004 17:42
I guess you're referring to the Berney Arms pub? Try phoning them on 01493 700303 to see what the latest is at it may have changed hands since I visited.
23) Ian Martin 
Lowestoft Location
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Wednesday, 6 October 2004 22:56 Write a comment

One thing I love about the rail network in and around Lowestoft and Yarmouth (inc. Berney Arms) are all the wonderful traditional features the lines have. For instance, the traditional signalling methods (semaphore signalling) and the old swing bridges and victorian signal boxes. I hope these are not removed for a very long time!
22) A N Enthusiast 
Suffolk Location
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Wednesday, 22 September 2004 17:30 Write a comment

It is possible to reopen Aldeby former mainline railway station to Great Yarmouth by relaying the short section of track to Haddiscoe and also the short spur from Reedham swing bridge to Berney Arms. This would also be of great benefit to all the residents of nearby Wheatacre. Connections to Norwich can be made at Haddiscoe or Berney Arms or Great Yarmouth.

Ian Martin Wednesday, 6 October 2004 22:42
very true, i really don't see why so many lines were closed during nationalisation of the rail network. A stupid closure in my eyes was the Yarmouth Lowestoft rail link, i can imagine that a service like this would be used frequently.
21) Ron Smith 
Portsmouth Location
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Thursday, 19 August 2004 21:45 Write a comment

Got an Email from EH about the mill.

Mr Smith

Nick Balaam has copied me into your query about Berney Arms and asked me to respond as the Project Manager for the work.

The works to repair and conserve the structural elements of the cap and the exterior of the mill tower were completed earlier this year. Two new stocks have been manufactured and are awaiting delivery to the mill in the very near future where they will be reunited with the sail frames which are repaired and in store.

It is hoped that we will be able to re-hang the stocks and sails before the unsettled autumn/winter weather settles in but if this proves to be impractical then they will go back up early next spring.

If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me.


Steve Blackford

Projects & Facilities Manager

East Midlands and East of England Region
20) Paul & Sheila Hutchinson 
Stoke Holy Cross Location
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Thursday, 5 August 2004 22:57 Write a comment

Your readers may be interested to know that the cap was put back on Polkey's Mill earlier this week and it was mentioned on local TV and local radio. There is also an article about Berney Arms in the August edition of Norfolk Journal. There is still no signs of the sails going back on the Berney Arms mill!
The 4th Berney Arms Reunion will be on Sunday September 5th 2004 at the Berney Arms Inn,and everyone is welcome to come along.
19) Matthew Taylor 
IP logged Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Tuesday, 3 August 2004 22:44 Write a comment

A great site and of real interest to me as I have recently been in the area again. Without sites like this, you would never realise what has been lost. Does anyone have or know of any pictures of Belton Station?

Andy Tuesday, 3 August 2004 22:59
Hi Matthew
Look for a book called "Eastern Main Lines - Saxmundham to Yarmouth" by Richard Adderson and Graham Kenworthy, published in 2001 by Middleton Press, ISBN 1-901706-699. There are 7 or 8 photos of the station plus maps.
18) Kate Shephard 
Poole, Dorset Location
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Tuesday, 3 August 2004 16:22 Write a comment

I went to Great Yarmouth many years ago while at the Norfolk Broads as a child. I love the site and all the historical information!
17) Mark C.T. Healy 
Birmingham Location
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Tuesday, 27 July 2004 23:15 Write a comment

The BBC Norfolk webpage has now added a webcam that is attached to the Broads Authority launch that patrols the Waveney, Yare, and Breydon areas. The link is;
Pics are updated about every 15-25 mins tides and operations permitting, all through the summer. I was alerted via the Broads Authority mailing list.

Attached is a pic I saved earlier today, approaching Berney Arms High Mill;- I'm almost sure it's the mill at Berney Arms as about 30-45 mins later, the launch was across Breydon and there was a pic along Yarmouth Yacht Station.

If it is the Mill, then it would seem that the sails have yet to be reinstalled.

P.S. Andrew, I'm visiting the Broads next week for 3 days, so I may have some more pics for your site soon. Cheers
16) Steven W McCornack 
IP logged Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
Tuesday, 20 July 2004 20:38 Write a comment

My mother's side are Berneys from the Vallee du Joux in Switzerland. I am interested in all things Berney.
15) Howard Brisland 
IP logged Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; CDSource=v1d.00; Ho
Tuesday, 6 July 2004 11:46 Write a comment

Excellent informative site - amazing that the station has survived at all into the 21st century!!! Will definitely be visiting this summer to sample the ales at the pub!!! Cheers!!!
14) Mick Saunders 
Derby Location
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Saturday, 3 July 2004 13:32 Write a comment

Really enjoyed your website.
Very nostalgic for me as I went on holiday to Yarmouth from 1946 to 1959. Until 1957, we travelled by special train over the M&GN via SAXBY, SUTTON BRIDGE, SOUTH LYNN and MELTON CONSTABLE; I think it took about six hours to get there! Happy days!
13) Mark Percival 
Coventry Location
IP logged Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)
Friday, 2 July 2004 20:27 Write a comment

What an excellent website! Well designed full of useful information - this is the first of many visits I'm sure.

Thank you.


PS Know the area well as my father is from Lowestoft.
12) Lee Hall 
IP logged Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98)
Thursday, 1 July 2004 11:59 Write a comment

Read your site with great interest: I'm looking for information on an accident which occured at Vauxhall Station, Great Yarmouth on the afternoon of Thursday June 17th, 1897. If anyone can point me in the right direction for research, eg GER accident logs? please get in touch.
11) Ian Martin 
Lowestoft Location
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Friday, 18 June 2004 19:50 Write a comment

Oh yes, one more thing. The station's original sign has been reinstated. I read it in the Lowestoft Journal a few weeks ago.

I completely forgot to look on the walk I took, so can anyone confirm that it is back?

Andy Friday, 18 June 2004 20:21
The 'old' sign is back but it's not the original. It's an excellent copy made to the same style. Take a look at the pictures on my website, see the Berney Arms Railways page and follow the link for the second page of photos.
10) Ian Martin 
IP logged Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Friday, 18 June 2004 19:41 Write a comment

Thanks for all the replies. Can't wait to see them go back up.

Took another walk across Halvergate marshes the other week (as mentioned the paths are still very hard to see) so ended up on the railway line 50m from the station, whoops!

Got to the mill and saw that some progress had been made and the cap was on (when I last came there was no cap on whatsoever, so was happy to see that.

Then walked back along Breydon water, ending up at the Asda carpark, Must say it was a great day out.
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